Letter to my creator

It’s not a day of my life that I don’t realize that you have been my protector. I apologize if I haven’t lived up to the standards that you set in place for me.  Please know that I love you more than life itself.  I have never thought to ever deny you but I do question those that claim to deliver your message.  It’s so much going on and I have seen a lot but I openly admit that I lack the attention you need. I could never appreciate or repay you for the sacrifices that you have given for me.  I could never tell you that I am even worthy of your sacrifices.  I write this letter to you as a disobedient child but please understand it has never been to hurt or defy you.  I just have a great deal of scare within me and please don’t let my short cummings represent a result of my love and gratitude for you.  I have not been as loyal to you as you have to me. Understand I am as a child that wants to be what you want me to be but I find myself weak to the pressure of the lifestyle to fit in this world.  Please don’t give up on me because no matter what, I hold you as precious as air to breath.  My state of mind is as fragile as a glass on the edge of a table.  I’m weak with many sore spots connected to my heart, I have many avenues that allow access to emotional break downs but not because I don’t have faith, it is because I love with my whole heart and find it hard to express that level of love to be seen.  I fear the nakedness of being so open that another knows how to hurt me. I need you and will never think another thought outside of this.  I write this asking for your understanding and patience to reserve the grace that you have given and had for me for so long.  I know life is a journey and its up to me to make that journey a magical one and I am trying.  I just want you to know regardless of the future or past I love your difficult son the coffee brown brother.

~ by Coffee Brown Brother on 01/22/2018.

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