Dr.Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday Overlooked??? :-(


 January 22, 2013 a day after Dr.Martin Luther King Jr’s birthday. I am sitting at work scanning my Facebook (on my iPhone)for the third time just feeling a sense of disbelief. I scroll through random post or updates that include comments on Inauguration 2013, the results of the NFL playoffs, and random quotes from rappers or entertainers. Not one time did I see any Facebook friends wish Dr. Martin Luther King Jr a happy birthday. Not once did I even see a Facebook friend even mention Dr. King’s name in any status. The problem is that it took 32 years before Dr.King’s birthday was recognized  nationally as a holiday. I found it sad to see none of my Facebook friends not publicly give birthday wishes and thanks for all the work Dr.King has done. If it were not for Dr.King maybe inauguration 2013 or 2012 would not exist. Rappers having the opportunity to a make all the millions of dollars they make on music that promotes the lyric being quoted on Facebook would not exist without Dr.King’s fight. I wasn’t born during that time but I was educated until it was a second-hand nature on the fight and life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Knowing his efforts make his birthday a very special day. Therefore, I can’t understand how his birthday is overshadowed  by an inauguration for a second term president. Don’t get me wrong I am proud of the history of the first Black American President Barack Obama and he should have his time to be recognized too. January 21st every year of each year belongs to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Truth is Martin Luther King Jr was not politics. He did not fight on whether we should extend the debit ceiling or whether off shore drilling for oil should be allowed.  Dr.King focused a fight on equality and peace. He wanted fair treatment for all. 

That is not the main point of this blog because honestly Barack Obama honored Dr.King during his inauguration and showed recognition to his day regardless. The point is to see people who I personally know not give some recognition or appreciation of the life Dr. Martin Luther King Jr makes me sad. I just would hope that if we could take time to give appreciation to rapper, comedians, and sports figures at least on the birthday of one of the most profound civil rights leaders of all time we could at least acknowledge it. That is just my rant for today until then remember, life is a journey but it is up to you to make that journey a magical one.

~ by Coffee Brown Brother on 01/23/2013.

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