Letter to the Queen


Dear Queen,

I have fought you so hard on recognizing your title. I refused to acknowledge you for what you are. In most , I took you placing the title in front of your name as your way to justify treating people lower than you. With careful consideration and rational thinking of all the events that have manifested in the time that I have experienced with you, you deserve your title as queen. Child labor (twice), defeating odds, dealing with me and my drama alone makes you over qualified for your title. I apologize for my ignorance in not acknowledging you for the title that is rightfully yours. I understand that by not acknowledging it,your title, I have created a hindrance to me treating you accordingly. I must admit that I am a failure of following my head instead of my heart. One of the most influential statements that I have read and learned tonight stated, “admitting that I don’t have everything figured out is the best progress that I’ve made in a while” (Harper.H, The Conversation, pg 19,2009). With this being said ,I hope you can find it in you to forgive me for my shortcomings. I can only say that God is working on me everyday and each day I am working to get over the obstacles that I have created within myself. I gratefully thank you for sticking with me, even when I have not stuck with myself. I thank you for giving gifts that are irreplaceable, worth more than all the world’s silver or gold. If I died today, if it is God’s will, I hope that you can always go back and reference this letter as an acknowledgment that I will always see you as a Queen.

   With Love,

   Your Coffee Brown Brother

~ by Coffee Brown Brother on 12/20/2012.

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